doc/doxygen/doxygen.prelude [code] | |
include/comma/ast/AggExpr.h [code] | Provides AST node definitions for the representation of aggregate expressions |
include/comma/ast/Ast.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/AstBase.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/AstResource.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/AstRewriter.h [code] | Defines the AstRewriter class |
include/comma/ast/AttribDecl.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/AttribExpr.h [code] | AST node definitions for attributes which resolve to expressions |
include/comma/ast/Cunit.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/Decl.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/DeclRegion.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/DeclRewriter.h [code] | Defines the DeclRewriter class |
include/comma/ast/DeclVisitor.h [code] | This file provides a virtual class used for implementing the vistor pattern across declaration nodes |
include/comma/ast/DiagPrint.h [code] | This file extends the diag namespace with AST pretty printing services for DiagnosticStreams |
include/comma/ast/DSTDefinition.h [code] | Declares the DSTDefinition node |
include/comma/ast/ExceptionRef.h [code] | Defines the ExceptionRef AST node |
include/comma/ast/Expr.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/ExprVisitor.h [code] | This file provides a virtual class used for implementing the vistor pattern across expression nodes |
include/comma/ast/KeywordSelector.h [code] | This file defines the KeywordSelector class |
include/comma/ast/Pragma.h [code] | Definitions for the various types of pragmas |
include/comma/ast/Range.h [code] | This file defines the AST representation of ranges |
include/comma/ast/RangeAttrib.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/SignatureSet.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/Stmt.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/StmtVisitor.h [code] | This file provides a virtual class used for implementing the vistor pattern across statement nodes |
include/comma/ast/SubroutineCall.h [code] | Defines the SubroutineCall class |
include/comma/ast/SubroutineRef.h [code] | This file defines the SubroutineRef class |
include/comma/ast/Type.h [code] | |
include/comma/ast/TypeRef.h [code] | This file defines the TypeRef class |
include/comma/ast/TypeVisitor.h [code] | This file provides a virtual class used for implementing the visitor parrern accross type nodes |
include/comma/basic/Attributes.h [code] | Defines attributes and various related utility routines |
include/comma/basic/Diagnostic.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/IdentifierInfo.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/IdentifierPool.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/Location.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/ParameterModes.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/Pragmas.h [code] | General encodings and support utilities for the language defined pragmas |
include/comma/basic/PrimitiveOps.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/SourceManager.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/TargetInfo.h [code] | |
include/comma/basic/TextProvider.h [code] | |
include/comma/codegen/Generator.h [code] | |
include/comma/codegen/Mangle.h [code] | Provides routines which generate the mangled names of Comma entities |
include/comma/codegen/TargetProfile.h [code] | |
include/comma/parser/Lexer.h [code] | |
include/comma/parser/ParseClient.h [code] | |
include/comma/parser/Parser.h [code] | |
include/comma/runtime/commart.h [code] | |
include/comma/runtime/crt_itable.h [code] | |
include/comma/runtime/crt_types.h [code] | |
include/comma/runtime/crt_vstack.h [code] | Defines routines to access the "vstack", or variable stack |
include/comma/typecheck/Checker.h [code] | This file provides access to the Comma type checker |
lib/ast/AggExpr.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Ast.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/AstDumper.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/AstDumper.h [code] | Facilities for dumping details about ast nodes |
lib/ast/AstResource.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/AstRewriter.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/AttribDecl.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/AttribExpr.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Decl.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DeclDumper.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DeclDumper.h [code] | A class which provides facilities for dumping details about declaration nodes |
lib/ast/DeclRegion.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DeclRewriter.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DeclVisitor.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DiagPrint.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/DSTDefinition.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Eval.cpp [code] | Implementation of the compile-time expression evaluation routines |
lib/ast/Expr.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/ExprDumper.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/ExprDumper.h [code] | A class which provides facilities for dumping details about expression nodes |
lib/ast/ExprVisitor.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Pragma.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Range.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/SignatureSet.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Stmt.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/StmtDumper.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/StmtDumper.h [code] | A class which provides facilities for dumping details about statement nodes |
lib/ast/StmtVisitor.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/SubroutineCall.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/Type.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/TypeDumper.cpp [code] | |
lib/ast/TypeDumper.h [code] | A class which provides facilities for dumping details about type nodes |
lib/ast/TypeVisitor.cpp [code] | |
lib/basic/Attributes.cpp [code] | |
lib/basic/Diagnostic.cpp [code] | |
lib/basic/Pragmas.cpp [code] | |
lib/basic/PrimitiveOps.cpp [code] | |
lib/basic/TextProvider.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/BoundsEmitter.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/BoundsEmitter.h [code] | Provides the BoundsEmitter class |
lib/codegen/CGContext.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CGContext.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGen.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGen.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenAgg.cpp [code] | This file defines the subroutines which handle code generation of aggregate values |
lib/codegen/CodeGenAssign.cpp [code] | This file contains the codegen routines responsible for the synthesization of assignment statements |
lib/codegen/CodeGenCall.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenExpr.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenRoutine.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenRoutine.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenStmt.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenTypes.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CodeGenTypes.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/CommaRT.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/CommaRT.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/CValue.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/DependencySet.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/DependencySet.h [code] | Defines the DependencySet class |
lib/codegen/DomainInfo.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/DomainInfo.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/DomainInstance.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/DomainInstance.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/Frame.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/Frame.h [code] | |
lib/codegen/HandlerEmitter.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/HandlerEmitter.h [code] | This file declares the HandlerEmitter class |
lib/codegen/InstanceInfo.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/InstanceInfo.h [code] | Information associated with each capsule instance emitted by the code generator |
lib/codegen/Mangle.cpp [code] | |
lib/codegen/SRInfo.h [code] | Interface to Comma subroutine declarations and a corresponding LLVM function |
lib/parser/Lexer.cpp [code] | |
lib/parser/ParseExpr.cpp [code] | |
lib/parser/ParseName.cpp [code] | |
lib/parser/Parser.cpp [code] | |
lib/parser/ParseStmt.cpp [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_alloc.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_exceptions.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_itable.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_math.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_types.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/crt_vstack.c [code] | |
lib/runtime/debug.c [code] | |
lib/typecheck/CheckAgg.cpp [code] | Implements typecheck code related to the analysis of aggregate expressions. String literals are included here as well |
lib/typecheck/CheckAttrib.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/CheckCall.cpp [code] | Routines specific to the checking of subroutine calls |
lib/typecheck/CheckCapsule.cpp [code] | Type checking routines focusing on capsules |
lib/typecheck/CheckExpr.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/CheckName.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/CheckStmt.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/CheckSubroutine.cpp [code] | Type check logic supporting subroutine declarations and definitions |
lib/typecheck/Has.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/Homonym.h [code] | |
lib/typecheck/RangeChecker.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/RangeChecker.h [code] | Defines the RangeChecker class |
lib/typecheck/Resolver.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/Resolver.h [code] | |
lib/typecheck/Scope.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/Scope.h [code] | |
lib/typecheck/Stencil.h [code] | Helper classes used by the type checker to manage intermediate data while consuming info from the parser |
lib/typecheck/TypeCheck.cpp [code] | |
lib/typecheck/TypeCheck.h [code] | |